On March 23, 2022, the dynamic community of Italian designers, architects, entrepreneurs, professionals, and companies engaged in Cambodia’s design and architectural solutions came “virtually” together as testimonials to celebrate Italian Design Day 2023.
Italian Design Day is a global initiative through which the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation aims to promote the best of Italian furniture, architecture, and design abroad.
IDD 2022 was organized first time in Cambodia by Luisa Gentile, Advisor at the ICBA, and Carlo Santoro, Professor at the American University of Phnom Penh, around this year’s central themes, “Regeneration for a sustainable future and the future of design in Cambodia“.
Luisa Gentile said, “We wanted to promote the Italian creativity and acknowledge the amazing contribution of Italian designers, architects, and entrepreneurs in the furniture, fashion, design, and architecture space here in the Kingdom. This year we started with a social media campaign, but we plan to organize more engaging events in the future”.
The testimonials of IDD2022 in Cambodia are:
- Carlo Santoro
- Alessandro Mangano
- Martina Cannetta
- Gianfranco Bianchi
- Roberto Crucitti
- Stefano Riciputi
- Monica Loddo
- Jennifer Morellato
- Monica Costa
- Claudio Piredda
- Francesco Scarfone
- Elettra Melani
IDD2022 in Cambodia is promoted by ICBA under the patronage of the Embassy of Italy in Bangkok and the Consolato Onorario d’ Italia in Phnom Penh.
To see the social media campaign, click here: